
A Product Like Never Before

Microsofts’ mission was to create the World’s first fully-untethered holographic computer. But to be truly successful, we knew it also had to be the first technology of it’s kind that does not make users sick. From physical design to thermals to display technology to tracking technology, everything had to be designed and engineered from the ground up…from the human out to achieve these ambitions. At the center of it all, our Human Factors team spent six years conducting unprecedented research experiments across the gamut of the human experience, delivering more than 40 critical human factors specifications to ensure physical fit/comfort, visual comfort and quality, and vestibular comfort.

How Did We Do?

In the summer of 2016, NASA opened the "Destination: Mars" exhibit at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex in Florida. It was an interactive exhibit using the Microsoft HoloLens mixed reality headset, where Buzz Aldrin guided visitors on a virtual walk around the surface of Mars. After more than 20,000 visitors experienced the exhibit, there were no reports of major motion sickness. This breakthrough paved the way for broad application of mixed reality MR technology in industries such as space, healthcare, education and manufacturing. 


Surface Earbuds